Lines 81-90

(In this 9th installment of this blog’s Huangling Bei 皇陵碑 translation, Zhu Yuanzhang’s armies pacify China as he settled on Nanjing as his capital city. Click here to see the previous section.  Also – click on any line number to see complete annotations of each section.)
Chang Yuchun, one of Zhu Yuanzhang’s “brave generals.”

Line 81: 親征荊楚,將平湖湘。I led a campaign into Jingchu and with my generals pacified the Huxiang region;

Line 82: 三苗盡服,廣海入疆。To the south the three tribes of the Miao obeyed and the coastal region became part of our territory.

Line 83: 命大將軍東平乎吳越,齊魯耀乎旌幢。I sent my leading general to pacify the regions of Wu and Yue, while the lands of Qi and Lu were decorated with my banners and streamers.

Line 84: 西有乎伊洛崤函,地險河湟。To the west we claimed the strategic Henan region from the Yiluo River to the Xiaohan range.

Line 85: 入胡都而市不易肆,虎臣露鋒刃而燦若星鋩。My armies entered the Mongol capital and the markets did not fall into chaos, while the brave officials came forward to reveal their sharp skills and shining qualities.

Line 86: 已而長驅乎井陘,河山之內外,民庶成仰。My forces then pushed on through the Jingxing Pass; within and beyond the rivers and mountains the multitudes were respectful.

Line 87: 關中即定,市巷笙簧。Within the Hangu Pass, the central plain was stable, so that joyful music could be heard in the markets and lanes.

Line 88: 玄菟樂浪以歸版籍,南藩十有三國而來王。The Xuandu and Lelang Commanderies returned to our domain, while 13 vassal states of the south sent tributaries to court.

Line 89: 倚金陵而定鼎,托虎踞而儀鳳凰。I settled on Jinling as the dynastic capital, trusting its crouching tiger and performing rites to my phoenix.

Line 90: 天塹星高而月輝滄海,鐘山鎮岳而巒接乎銀潢。The stars are high above the Yangzi and the moon shines bright over the blue sea, while the peaks in the Purple Mountain range reach to the Milky Way.

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